waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/atom.xml 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Planet/2.0 +http://www.planetplanet.org Server upgrade http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2023-01-13 2023-01-13T00:00:01+00:00 <p>Work is commencing to upgrade <code>waxworlds.org</code> servers which will incur some downtime to services.</p> <p>Currently, <code>oak</code> and <code>ash</code> run Debian 10 (Buster). They will be upgraded to Debian 11 (Bullseye), which is an LTS release.</p> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Scheduled upgrade http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2022-12-13 2022-12-13T00:00:01+00:00 <p>On Friday 13th January 2023, work will commence to upgrade <code>waxworlds.org</code> servers which will incur some downtime to services.</p> <p>Currently, <code>oak</code> and <code>ash</code> run Debian 10 (Buster). They will be upgraded to Debian 11 (Bullseye), which is an LTS release.</p> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Unscheduled downtime http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2021-01-21 2021-01-21T00:00:01+00:00 <p>Appologies for the unscheduled outage this morning. A payment card expired. :(</p> <p>All <a href="http://www.waxworlds.org/network-status">waxworlds.org services</a> should be back up and running again now.</p> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Oak migration to cloud http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2020-11-23 2020-11-23T00:00:01+00:00 <p>Work to complete migration of <code>oak</code> to the cloud is being undertaken now.</p> <p>This includes:</p> <ul> <li>mail services</li> <li>user accounts</li> <li>(secondary) web services</li> <li>ssh keys</li> </ul> <p>Data to be migrated later (upon request):</p> <ul> <li>MySQL databases</li> </ul> <h2>Updates</h2> <ul> <li>[2020-11-23] (secondary) web services migrated</li> <li>[2020-11-23] ssh keys migrated</li> <li>[2020-11-24] mail on (old) oak disabled</li> <li>[2020-11-24] user accounts migrated (changes on oak will now be lost!!)</li> <li>[2020-11-24] DNS records changed</li> <li>[2020-11-24] mail spools migrated</li> <li>[2020-11-24] mail on (new) oak enabled</li> </ul> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Upgraded PHP on ash http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2020-01-07 2020-01-07T00:00:01+00:00 <p>PHP on <code>ash</code> has been upgraded from 5.6 to 7.3. PHP 7.3 introduces lots of <a href="https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration70.incompatible.php">breaking changes</a>. Please check that your websites still function correctly.</p> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Upgrading software on `oak` and `ash` http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2019-12-17 2019-12-17T00:00:01+00:00 <p>Both <code>oak</code> and <code>ash</code> are to upgraded to Debian 10 (Buster) immediately. This is in order to address security issues with packages that, while supported by Debian, are no longer maintained.</p> <p><em>Notes</em></p> <ul> <li>OpenSSH removed support for <ul> <li>DSA keys</li> <li>SSH protocol version 1</li> </ul></li> </ul> <h2>Updates</h2> <ul> <li>[2019-12-17] Synapse server (matrix) is currently broken by the upgrade.</li> <li>[2019-12-18] Symapse server is upgraded and fixed.</li> </ul> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Outage (equipment fault) http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2019-12-12 2019-12-12T00:00:01+00:00 <p>Our internet provider has confirmed that there is an equipment fault at their end which is causing an outage of <code>oak.waxworlds.org</code>. An engineer has already been scheduled to address and resolve the issue but he will not be on-site until Monday 16th December. Until then, <code>oak</code> will be down, I'm afraid.</p> <h2>Effect</h2> <p>Since oak has been partially migrated in to the cloud, web, DNS and chat services are unaffected. The major service affected by this is email. We shouldn't lose any mail -- SMTP replays hang on to it and retry delivery when it fails -- but I'm also going to look in to whether or not I can migrating mail to the cloud immediately.</p> <h2>Updates</h2> <ul> <li><p>(2019-12-15) There seems to be intermittent line sync and some mail is getting through.</p></li> <li><p>(2019-12-16 1:32pm) Fault is fixed. We're back up!</p></li> </ul> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Oak moving to the cloud http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2019-06-04 2019-06-04T01:00:01+00:00 <p>Over the next couple of weeks I will be migrating the user accounts and network services that currently run on <code>oak</code> to a new cloud-based server.</p> <p>This includes:</p> <ul> <li>email</li> <li>matrix</li> <li>user accounts</li> </ul> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Jabber/XMPP decommissioned http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2018-06-12 2018-06-12T01:00:01+00:00 <p><a href="http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2018-03-12">As discussed</a>, the jabber service is now EOL. RIP.</p> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00 Decommissioning Jabber/XMPP http://www.waxworlds.org/news/2018-03-12 2018-03-12T00:00:01+00:00 <p>The XMPP (jabber) server is in a rather sorry state. It has not been operational since an upgrade at the end of last year broke it. The database needs to be upgraded to a new format, and neither the Debian package maintainers nor the upstream ejabberd project provide such a facility. I had always intended to manually migrate the data, but this now seems unlikely, give the constraints on my time.</p> <p>To that end, <strong>I plan to retire the waxworlds XMPP (Jabber) services on 12th June 2018.</strong></p> <p>We also now host a <a href="https://matrix.waxworlds.org/">matrix server</a> for chat. Matrix (and riot) have proved to be a very successful alternative to jabber that also works well on mobile platforms, handles multiple connections better, facilitates posting images/files/links and is generally much more modern in its approach to chat. Essentially, I would propose that he Jabber service is also now redundant and my recommendation, going forwards, would be to use matrix anyway.</p> <p>If there are any significant reasons why you think I shouldn't EOL the jabber service, or why you think I should attempt to manually migrate the data and revive it, please <a href="mailto:admin@waxworlds.org">get in touch</a> before 12th June.</p> waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news waxworlds.org http://www.waxworlds.org/news/feed/atom 2024-07-27T02:00:02+00:00